Our Vision

is to see Pensacola filled with Jesus centered disciples that multiply disciples.

Join us each Sunday
Booker T Washington High School

6000 College Pkwy
Pensacola, FL 32504


Hey, my name is Jimmy Gilford and I am the lead pastor at Multiply Church. My wife, Mary Kathryn, and our family are incredibly honored that you’ve taken the time to check us out. Here’s the backstory for how we got here: 

Starting in 2013, I began working for a ministry called The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Mississippi State University. I went on to become the campus director as well as the football and baseball team chaplain. MK joined me on staff in 2016 and we enjoyed several wonderful years ministering to coaches and athletes from locker rooms to our home. That amazing season of life ended in 2022 when we felt God calling us to start a new church. We had been hearing for years the stories of people walking away from church and their faith for one reason or another and we wanted to do something about that. The first step was to begin an assessment process with The North American Mission Board. This wonderful organization assesses potential church planters and their spouses in a number of competencies to ensure there is spiritual, emotional, and marital health. As a part of that assessment, we had to demonstrate a clear calling to a city.

Our assessment was clear: God hadn’t called us to start another Sunday morning gathering but rather called us to a specific people. From the statistics we pulled to the conversations we began to have with the locals, we felt a call to plant a church in Pensacola. That spring, we received a green light to plant a church through that organization but we opted to take it one step further. Pinelake Church, in Brandon, Mississippi, offered to bring me on staff for one year to provide further training and to give our family a year to hear from the Lord and develop a vision and strategy. During our time with Pinelake, we were able to recruit a team of 18 Launch Team members, most of whom made the move from Mississippi to Pensacola to join us. Our team desires to see Pensacola filled with Jesus-centered disciples who multiply disciples. 

What We’re About

Lead Pastor, Jimmy Gilford, recently shared at Pinelake Church, four practical ways you can live missional in your daily life.


at Multiply Church is to be a people who: Experience God, Know Ourselves, Love Our Homes, and Live Sent into Our Community.


Our values, (X Factors), shape the way we follow Christ together at Multiply Church. This is our identity as we live out the mission of Jesus in Pensacola

People of The Word

A life centered on knowing and practicing God’s word.

People of Worship

A life marked by peace that comes from intentional fellowship with God.

People of Community

A life that chooses to be known by others and to intentionally know others.

People of Purpose

A life aware of the God-ordained calling in our homes, schools, and workplaces.

People of Health

A life committed to pursuing spiritual, physical, and emotional health for the sake of loving well.


Our timeline is made up of three phases: Preparation Phase, Prelaunch Phase, and the Launch Phase. Below you'll see our current plan for each of these phases.

Prelaunch Phase

Engage the City, Make Disciples, Plant a Church

  • January 24, 2024 | Spring Small Groups Begin

  • February 18, 2024 | Preview Service 1

  • March 17, 2024 | Preview Service 2

*All interest meetings will be held at
Cordova Lanes: 2111 Airport Blvd
Pensacola, FL 32504

Launch Phase

Spring 2024 through year-end our mission is still the same, Engage the City, Make Disciples, Plant the Church.

  • March 31, 2024 | Launch Sunday

  • April 7, 2024 | Group Launch

  • Engage the city through partnerships

  • Implement new member’s class